Who we are
Volunteering for peace since 1920
Service Civil International (SCI) is a volunteer organisation dedicated to promoting a culture of peace by organising international voluntary projects for people of all ages and backgrounds. The organisation consists of 42 branches and an ever growing number of partner organisations.
SCI is open to all. It was one of the first organisations to divest itself of all political or religious affiliations in its work of promoting peace and intercultural understanding through practical action. Throughout the years SCI has made a major contribution to the development of the main forms of volunteering. Year after year, the organisation enables thousands of volunteers to participate in community projects.
SCI’s vision
SCI’s mission
Values in SCI
we are working towards having every volunteer project, meeting, exchange or training in line with our common values:
In the sense of acting out of self-initiative, without seeking material reward and for the benefit of civil society, as a method and a statement for social change, whilst never competing with paid labor nor seeking to contribute to strike-breaking.
As a principle and a method.
Human Rights
Respect for individuals as stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
International solidarity for a more just world and solidarity between human beings on all levels.
Respect for the environment
Respect for the environment and the ecosystem of which we are a part and on which we are dependent.
To be open and inclusive to all individuals who share the aims and objectives of the Movement, without regard to gender, color, religion, nationality, social status or political views, or any other possible grounds for discrimination.
Providing people with means (knowledge, tools) to understand and act to transform the social, cultural and economic structures that affect their lives at all levels.
With local communities as well as other local, national and international actors to strengthen the positive potential within civil society as a whole.
Get to know SCI better
The Association of Service Civil International is a non-political, non-religious, international not-for-profit association under the Belgian Law on Not-For-Profit Associations, International Not-For-Profit Associations and Foundations of 27 June 1921, changed by the Law of 2 May 2002 and by its Royal Execution Decrees. It carries the name “The Association of Service Civil International” or in short “Service Civil International”, or “SCI”. It has been recognised by Royal Decree on 21 January 1994. SCI’s registration number is 0451.967.243.