
Konstitutsiis str 2a.Tbilisi Georgia; Shatberashvili str 32, Kaspi.

Phone number: +995 599 990067

The Center of Youth of Civili Initiatives “Momavali” expresses and protects the interests of the youth and the younger generation, including those with disabilities, marginal and others at risk groups.

Momavali has the following aims:

  • Protect rights and freedoms of youth;
  • Promoting for development talents and ability of youth;
  • Promoting the establishment of youth in society;
  • Actively involve youth in civil society for democratic, multicultural and legal state;
  • Realization of civil and social initiatives for regulation of youth problems and for their development
  • Preparation projects and programs in every sphere of public life with the implementation of the Youth Involvement;
  • Youth ideological and legal awareness raising;
  • Develop skills of young people, raising their qualifications and employment in Georgia and abroad;
  • Involving youth in international educational, scientific, cultural exchange programs;
  • International and local programs in Social protection, adaptation, integration and rehabilitation with youth participation.

Get in touch!

This organization is reachable by email via this contact form. Don’t hesistate to contact them if you have any questions, they will be happy to hear from you.

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