
P.O. Box 126

Phone number: +265888745752

We work with the District structures and Community structures and other partners to enable the effective development and delivery of development plans. Our focus is on development of the capacity for the community and all structures as an essential step in enhancing people’s choices, opportunities and capacity to participate effectively in society. We focus on holistic, integrated programmes which have a practical and meaningful impact on the people’s life who can easily adopt them and sustain them.

Sustainable Rural Community Development currently works in Nsanje and Chikwawa District in the Southern Region of Malawi. Over the next five years we will focus our efforts in the two Districts where we have a particularly strong track-record and partnership with District authorities. In addition to these Districts Sustainable Rural Community Development Malawi will look to work in other areas of the country where national indicators and Government of Malawi priorities suggest that we can have a significant, positive and sustainable impact on people’s lives in line with our strategic objectives.

We will broaden and deepen partnerships with government, civil society, donors, the private sector and academic organizations. We develop and strengthen relationships with organizations that offer complementary skills that can enhance the effectiveness of our development interventions. We will also focus on how to share and learn from our experiences, how to measure and assess impact and how we work with others to bring about positive changes. We will also improve our organizational systems and processes as well as continuing to mainstream gender, HIV and AIDS, environmental management, capacity building, and participation and rights across all of our programmes.

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