Charambe-Mbande road, P. O. BOX 71373, Dar es Salaam
UVIKIUTA is a vibrant Youth development Organization that values volunteerism as a tool for sustainable development. The organization was established in 1983 to respond to the needs of young women and men to raise their living standards through developing and enhancing their social and economic capacities.
Our goal is to contribute in building sustainable and self-reliant communities through providing holistic experience that broaden minds, expand horizons and empower young people and their communities to realize their full potential as productive, responsible and caring citizens. UVIKIUTA-Tanzania is founder member of the Eastern African voluntary service Network (EAVS-Network), formally EAWA, Long term partner with Service Civil International (SCI), Alliance, and NVDA among other Networks.
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This organization is reachable by email via this contact form. Don’t hesistate to contact them if you have any questions, they will be happy to hear from you.
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