Peace in Practice
January – December 2020
Training course open call
SCI is opening applications for an international training course Coaching Peace Education in Practice, inviting young people, youth workers and volunteers from across partner organisations or SCI supporters in Europe to join in December 2020.
The idea
‘Peace’ is a big concept. It has many layers and levels of understanding. Throughout this year and beyond, SCI hopes to broaden young people’s understanding of and engagement with peace, as something more than just ‘absence of war’. We want to show that peace is something which can be lived on a day-to-day basis.
As a peace organisation in its 100th year of work, SCI wants to take the opportunity to renew its energies in peace activism and peace education. Particularly, through this project we want to offer opportunities for young people to help to contribute to a more peaceful world. Through becoming Peace Envoys, we hope that young people and partner organisations will be (re-)energised to spread messages of peace in their communities!
The activities
This project will be made up of 5 events and the creation of an online training course.
Kick-off Meeting
Antwerp (Belgium), February 2020
The team met in Antwerp, defined their roles and timelines for the project and for the creation of the online course. They discussed needs, goals, functionalities and content in order to start constructing a course which would be appealing, useful and user-friendly. Team members left with lots of motivation and a clear plan of action for going forward!
Peace in Practice training course
This 7-day training course will involve youth leaders, activists and volunteers from across Europe. It will invite them to reflect deeply on the concept of peace on multiple levels:
- Intrapersonal (peace with oneself)
- Interpersonal (peace with others)
- Peace with nature
Participants will gain tools, skills and knowledge to put Peace into Practice!
*Due to the current situation with the COVID-19 pandemic, we took a decision to postpone the Peace in Practice training course that was supposed to happen in May 2020 in Switzerland..
Peace in Practice laboratory 1
Antwerp (Belgium), June 2020
The first laboratory will be a space to continue working on the online course. The team will finalise the content and work on the technical aspects of the course.
The laboratory will be followed by the pilot testing phase!
Peace in Practice laboratory 2
Antwerp (Belgium), September/October 2020
By October, the team will be ready to make final adjustments based on the results of the pilot test. The second laboratory will be the place to iron out any last issues.
Coaching Peace Education in Practice
Lille (France), December 2020
This 6-day training in France will invite back participants from earlier phases of the project, along with some new faces. Together they learn coaching skills, to be able to pass onto wider audiences the principles and values of peace.
The online course will go through its final tests, and participants will offer feedback to ensure that it is functional for its target audience.
Launching of the online course!
The end result of the project will be the launch of the online course, open to all!
The Peace in Practice project is supported by the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe.