Some more information…
Indoor gardening – For all of us who do not have a garden, or even not a balcony, still we can enjoy gardening, inside our (tiny) home! Edible plants can be grown inside containers, pots, indoor greenhouses. Find some little space in your rooms or at the window sills and create an abundant garden at home.
Community gardening – is another option for all of us without a garden at home. Even though you cannot find a community garden everywhere, there are more and more communities starting community gardens. A community garden is a piece of land (public or private) that is gardened collectively by a group of people and thus providing space (own plots) for citizens to cultivate and grow their own plants for food.
Container gardening – is an indoor or outdoor gardening using a variety of containers like buckets, old tires, raised beds, windowboxes, barrels, shoes, bottles, watering cans and whatever you can think of for growing plants for food or beauty.*
Greenroofs – Roofs designed or adjusted for the purpose of cultivating plants in order to grow food, trees, and many other types of plants.
Guerilla gardening – is a way of cultivating plants to public spaces that don’t legally belong to the gardener such as abandoned sites, areas that are not being cared for, a vacant lot, beside a highway, or in little strips of dirt.