SCI methods

Non-formal education

This table recaps the differences between Formal, Non-Formal and Informal education, according to specific topics (venue, methods, results etc)

TypeFormal EducationNon-formal EducationInformal Education
VenuesInstitutions, school, university, usually indoorsYouth centers, large rooms, it can be outdoorsEverywhere, depending on the situation
MethodsFrontal teaching, lecturesTeam work, role play games, interactive sessionsSpontaneous learning
ObjectivesTo transfer knowledge, sometimes also skillsTo develop skills, self-awareness, knowledge, attitudesTo learn through experience
EvaluationTests, exams, marksSelf-assessment, interactive evaluation, reflection groupsIndividual reflection of the experience
Participants' involvementIt can be compulsory, based on extrinsic motivationVoluntary, based on intrinsic motivationIt depends on the situation
Participants' roleUsually passive, not directly involved in the definition of contents, methods and aimsActive, directly involved in the definition of the learning objectivesInvolved in finding solutions according to the situation
ApproachUsually competitiveCooperative, inclusiveIt depends on the situation
ResultsScores, marks, ranking, official certificatesPersonal development, growth, community development, (un)official certificatesProblem is solved, personal development
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