M0 – Welcome


Dear friends,

Are you READY to start a challenging, exciting and inspiring learning journey on cross-cultural volunteering?

This online course has been designed to support you in the preparation of  cross-cultural voluntary exchanges and it is addressed to the following target groups

OUTGOING VOLUNTEERS: all outgoing volunteers, especially those involved in the North ↔ South exchange (in particular outgoing volunteers from Africa to Europe and from Europe to Africa), but also those involved in South ↔ South and North ↔  North exchanges. 

YOUTH LEADERS: workcamp coordinators, trainers involved in the preparation of outgoing volunteers, trainers for workcamp coordinators.

MENTORS: supporting persons for outgoing and incoming volunteers in both long and short term projects.

ORGANISATIONS: branches and groups of Service Civil International, but also any organisation belonging to the International Voluntary Service movement, NGOs, associations active in the field of international volunteering and working with cross-cultural exchange programmes. 

To recap: If you are a volunteer, you can do the course individually. If you are members of an organisation (staff or board members, trainers, mentors etc), you can use this course as a tool to integrate your related training courses and seminars (online or in-presence).

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