stereotypes, prejudices, discrimination: how can we cope with them?
In this module, we have seen how important it is to be aware of stereotypes and prejudices, as they can be everywhere and can even affect the quality of our voluntary projects. Since stereotypes can lead to discrimination and inequalities, we invite you to ask yourself the following questions:
Since its creation in 1920, SCI has invested efforts and energy in developing methods, contents and formats to overcome stereotypes, prejudices and hostility and to promote friendship, intercultural understanding and peace. All over the decades, the movement has produced a solid “organisational knowledge” and a strong capacity to reach these objectives. Parallel to that, SCI has always worked to reinforce and share its values, vision and mission, and to translate them into coherent strategic plans.
In the last module of this online training course, you can find a list of the resources available for staff and board members, activists, volunteers, coordinators, to become more aware of the potential of SCI projects in strengthening its values, in promoting peace and in fighting stereotypes, prejudices and discrimination.
To conclude, we invite you to watch this inspiring video, which encourage to focus on what we share, rather than on the differences that tend to divide us: