Among the metaphors and definitions that we can use to describe it, culture can be also compared to an iceberg…have you ever heard of the “iceberg of culture”? It is a model that was designed by the American anthropologist Edward Hall (see “Beyond Culture”, Edward Hall 1976). Let’s find out more through this exercise!
The items we placed underwater in the exercise are just examples of “less visible” cultural elements. In fact, they can be much more: can you think of other elements? If you remember well, we have already tackled this issue in the first section of Module 3.
The iceberg of culture metaphor raises our awareness of two important issues:
Our projects, especially workcamps, but also medium and long term volunteering are a great opportunity to discover both parts of the iceberg. In the process of “exploration” it is important to adhere to the following principles:
In the next exercise, we will see how easy it is to misunderstand a culture when we judge it only taking into consideration its visible manifestations.