Speak up for peace Start Course Content Expand All M0-WELCOME M1-GENERAL COMMUNICATION CONCEPTS 12 Topics Expand Module Content 0% Complete 0/12 Steps Ethical Communication North-South Communication Anti Colonial North-South communication Ethics of war: How to communicate about controversial topics? Propaganda & fake news Non-Violent Communication (NVC) Guidelines of creating a communication plan Visual Identity of a communication plan Technical elements of communication Elements of Copyright Disclosure messages References M2-ADVOCACY FOR PEACE 5 Topics | 2 Quizzes Expand Module Content 0% Complete 0/5 Steps Basics in advocacy Basics in campaigning Strategies for Advocacy What makes a good advocacy topic? Implementing a campaign Conclusion: Your own advocacy Further Reading M3-WORKING TOGETHER TO COMMUNICATE AND ADVOCATE FOR PEACE 14 Topics Expand Module Content 0% Complete 0/14 Steps introduction The importance of working together Different examples of collaboration Creative Ways to Collaborate Tips and tricks for coordination Promotion Working together without forgetting your audience Tips and tricks for better communication and more visibility Not only social media How can volunteers give visibility to SCI? From your social media How to get involved in SCI for a campaign How to partner with other networks Conclusion